
E visits & Covid-19

E visit

Amara Pain & Spine Pain Clinic’s #1 priority is to keep our patients and staff safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. At this time, we are offering Electronic office visits to ease everyone’s health concerns.

1. How long are E visits ? How do we schedule my appointment ?

E-visits can take from 15-20 minutes starting from check-in and ending in scheduling your next follow up.

2. To schedule an appointment ?

Can contact us at: (704)-503-9338

3. How are copays and balances paid?

a . Patient portal b. Call our office with valid Debit or Credit card ready.

4. Have questions to Provider ?

During your E-visit you have the chance to ask the provider questions as you normally do, but it could be over telephone or video call.

5. Have a prescriptions concerns ?

All prescriptions will be electronically sent to pharmacy as usual.

6. Have a general questions ?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your visit or any services, you can contact us at: (704)-503-9338, e-mail us at amarapan.records@gmail.com, or log in to your patient portal online.

Effective preventative steps :

  1. Wear a protective mask
  2. Wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds
  3. Keep social distance of 6 feet
  4. If you have any fever, cough, or upper respiratory track symptoms call your PCP or nearest testing site for Covid 19 .

Call us us at: 704-503-9338

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