Hand numbness is usually caused by damage, irritation or compression of one of the nerves or a branch of one of the nerves in your arm and wrist.Diseases affecting the peripheral nerves, such as diabetes, also can cause numbness, although with diabetes similar symptoms usually occur first in your feet.Uncommonly, numbness may be caused by problems in your brain or spinal cord, although in such cases arm or hand weakness or loss of function also occurs. Numbness alone isn’t usually associated with potentially life-threatening disorders, such as strokes or tumors. Call us (704)-503-9338 https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/numbness-in-hands/basics/causes/sym-20050842
6429 Bannington Road, Suite B, Charlotte, NC 28226
For pain relief call: 704 503 9338 Fax: 704 503 9339
6429 Bannington Road, Suite B,
Charlotte, NC 28226
For pain relief call:
704 503 9338 Fax: 704 503 9339