
Wellness Wednesday

  1. Get some activity every dayThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendsExternal Site American adults get at least 150 minutes of activity per week. Think of the types of activity you can fit into your everyday life. Take a midday walk around your neighborhood. Dance in the kitchen with your kids. Do some squats while you’re watching television. These types of activities are inexpensive and can make a big difference when you add up the time doing them.
  2. Up your fruits and veggiesFruits and vegetables are credited with helping you maintain a healthy body weight, control your blood sugar, plus reduce your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and other benefits.It’s possible to eat more fruits and vegetables without blowing your grocery budget. Consider in-season fruits, like citrus during the winter and peaches in the summer. If you’re worried about produce going bad, stock up on frozen fruits and vegetables when they’re on sale. Frozen produce still has great nutrients and can be prepared much like their fresh counterparts.
  3. Get more sleepWhen you don’t get enough sleep, your body can’t repair itself. Ongoing sleep deficiencyExternal Site can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke. Prioritize your rest time and rearrange your schedule to make time for sleep, and implement simple changes like limiting screen time, to make falling asleep easier.
  4. Prioritize your mental healthIdentify areas of your life that are causing you stress, and make changes to help limit that stress. Maybe your work-life balance is out of whack. Or, you have too many commitments. No matter what’s causing you anxiety and stress, it’s important to remember that there’s no shame in taking a mental health day and asking for help.Bonus tip! Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield members can get mental health help without even leaving their home through Doctor On Demand®External Site. A virtual doctor can get the conversation about your mental health started and help you determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs. A virtual visit through Doctor On Demand is a covered benefit by many Wellmark health insurance plans. Just be sure to log in or register for myWellmark®Opens New Window to check your benefits before receiving care.
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